Medicine Mama

Skills: Medicine Mama

Medicine Mama

Mama Medecine are small, pebble-sized clay creations that fit comfortably in your hand. I create them, one by one, in connection with you (or the person you’ve chosen), so they’re all unique, and like the paintings, they convey a message. They all have their own personalities and wisdom, and look a bit alike, as if they were all part of a big circle of grandmothers…

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Mama Medecine are small, pebble-sized clay creations that fit comfortably in your hand. I create them one by one in connection with you (or the person you’ve chosen), so they’re all unique, and as with the paintings, they convey a little message. They all look alike, as if they were part of a big circle of grandmothers…

I choose a symbol to go with it, small pearls and semi-precious stones (lapis lazuli, eye of the tiger, turquoise, labradorite, etc.) I gild part of it with copper leaf and paint it with acrylic (about 15 days lead time).

To know more..: * Copyright is an “immaterial” right, independent of ownership of the material object on which the work is based (canvas, stone, paper, etc.). The purchaser of the work’s medium does not therefore acquire, by the mere fact of the sale, the rights to the work itself (art. L111-3 of the French Intellectual Property Code): any reproduction or representation of the work must be authorized by the author.”