
Skills: Paints, Explorers


They come from near and far,
They travel, explore, experiment, transcend.
Through their finery, their look, their fetish animal, they tell the secrets of their journey,
Mysteries and treasures discovered.
Knowledge, rebirth, transformation, ancestral and cosmic powers.
A journey between yesterday and tomorrow, an inner journey of today.
A thousand and one faces, a thousand and one facets. They are one.


To know more..: You buy a canvas but the image remains my property, I therefore retain the right to make any variations I wish, cards, posters, various prints, etc… including selling the digital image for book covers, etc… You buy a canvas but you don’t have to pay for it. you do not own the copyright which means that you may not reproduce it, including for your personal use (business cards, flyers, posters, etc.), without asking my permission and paying royalties for each use. (to be negotiated 🙂 )*

* Copyright is an “immaterial” right, independent of ownership of the material object on which the work is based (canvas, stone, paper, etc.). The purchaser of the work’s medium does not therefore acquire, by the mere fact of the sale, the rights to the work itself (art. L111-3 of the French Intellectual Property Code): any reproduction or representation of the work must be authorized by the author.”